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Your Reliable Supply Chain

We are just one click away from you——

  • VSI is dedicated to the scientific development and application of technology in green drive and environmental protection.

  • As one of the important means of environmental protection, green drive is an effective way to reduce pollution from the source. We use Apollo Space Age Super Lubrication technology to reduce energy consumption of industrial and civil electromechanical systems by more than 10% and system pollution by 10-90%.

  • Microbial technology is one of our core technique, which has supported us to make outstanding achievements in sewage treatment, garbage degradation, municipal pipe network operation and maintenance, soil remediation, aquaculture and other aspects.

  • VSI also provides its customers with supply chain management services that cover global resources. We are committed to connect the vendors and the buyers from farm to folk, from mine to manufacturers, from door to door. 

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We have advanced biological, chemical and physical innovation technologies for the restoration and treatment of natural water bodies, including ponds, lakes, ditches and rivers. We also provide solutions for the whole process of sewage treatment. We use small distributed systems to treat sewage that starts in the kitchen, toilet, and laundry of the home. In the municipal sewer network, sewage is also effectively purified; This can relieve the treatment pressure of the sewage treatment plant, increase the treatment capacity and improve the discharge targets.

As for agricultural waste, we adhere to the principle of classification, reduction, resource recovery and harmless utilization, so as to fully exploit the potential of material or energy recycling. (More...)


The municipal sewer network, like the veins of the human body, collects polluted water from homes, businesses and industries and sends it to wasted water treatment plants. It is an important guarantee for urban operation to keep the sewer network in good working condition. The four main problems of sewer network include odour, local blockage, serious damage, and total paralysis. This not only affects the health of citizens, but also causes urban water-logging, and also causes huge economic waste.

The LifeSys®️ Sewer Network Intelligent Ecological Operation and Maintenance System we developed said goodbye to cumbersome manual operation and realized intelligent biochemical operation and maintenance.  (More...)


​Ecological restoration aims to recreate, initiate, or accelerate the recovery of an ecosystem that has been disturbed. Disturbances are environmental changes that alter ecosystem structure and function. Common disturbances include logging, damming rivers, intense grazing, hurricanes, floods, and fires. Restoration activities may be designed to replicate a pre-disturbance ecosystem or to create a new ecosystem where it had not previously occurred. 

We use our technology to work on river ecological restoration, mine brownfield restoration, landfill restoration, etc.   (More...)


​Apollo Space Age Super Lubricants

  • Accelerate for the world

  • Save energy for the earth



Apollo Space Age®️ Super Lubrication

——Your wise choice

In the total energy consumption of society, industrial energy consumption accounted for the highest proportion. Through the Apollo Space Age®️ Super Lubrication Technology to greatly reduce the industrial energy consumption in the useless more than 5~30%, improve the effective output work. 

  • Lubrication is 6 times than others

  • Extend Maintenance Period 4+ times

  • Reduce Temperature 10~60℃

  • Reduce Total noise reduces 10dB+

  • High-frequency noise reduces100%

  • Bear heavy duty,including impact load and point load

  • Good Permeability——Easily infiltrate any micro defects

  • Water, ash, and sand resistant...






​Increase Lubrication

Expand Maintenance Period

​Save Engergy

Reduce ​High Frequency Noice

Computer Circuit Board


We produce the PCBs and PCBAs for our clients all over the world. 




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​We source global to link sellers and buyers, from farm to folk, from mine to manufacturer, from door to door. 


Head Office


4120 Rue Sainte-Catherine O, Montreal QC, Canada





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